Media – Dibache
Effective entry into the media and news arena with ” Dibache ”
In today’s world, the issue of customer orientation for organizations is of special importance, which is why companies and organizations make significant investments in their advertising and public relations; In the meantime, the role of the media is very important from the point of view of the high power of influence in the society to advance organizational goals.
In this regard, “Asre Qalam Group” seriously decided to play an important media role in the field of news and establish the Dibache news site, while creating a healthy and transparent platform to reflect the daily news of the society, and also have a small impact on job creation.
The cultural, artistic, and social news site “Dibache” started operating in 2014 and these days, by using the best journalists in the visual and written sections, it has been able to recount the conversations of many famous figures in the arts, culture, and sports; Based on what has been said, the mission of ” Dibache ” is only “representation of reality” based on news conscience and observance of moderation and moderation and has no political orientation.