3rd Conference “on Smart and Transformational Business Management” in Istanbul- 21 & 22 Feb 2021
3rd Conference “on Smart and Transformational Business Management” was held by participation of SMEs manufacturing and service executives at Aydin University in Istanbul on 21 & 22 Feb 2021.
The aim of the seminar was acquaintance with the behavior of executives in a customer-oriented manner and within the framework of business contracts as well as the importance of inter-company and extra-company communications.
Mr. Hakan Okay, the lecturer of this seminar continued the lecture in the form of real examples of “how the contract becomes successful after an efficient negotiation”, with the content of the lecture on managerial standardization and organizational behavior that will have a great impact on the negotiations between organizations.
In this seminar, many questions were asked by the participants, which were answered by Mr. Hakan Okay with the cooperation of Aydin University experts. The seminar lasted for two days and at the end of the second day, the participants were awarded a valid certificate from Aydin University by the university director.