National Customer Satisfaction Summit- 19th February 2018
According to the Public Relations report of Asr Goftego Qalam Cultural Institute, the national summit of “Customer Satisfaction” was held on February 19th , 2018 at the International Conference Center of I.R.I.B with the presence of “Shahpour Ghanbari”, CEO of Tehran Industrial Towns Company, “Iman Mossadari” The meeting was attended by Dr. Mojtaba Pirzad, Scientific and Technological Consultant of Danesh Bonyan Companies, Mohammad Nehzati, President of the Association of Economic Enterprises, Mehran Jourablo, Director of the Cooperative Development Bank, and Shahriyar Shafiei, Secretary of the Brand and Advertising Commission of the Ministry of Industry. Mining and Trade, Majid Hallajzadeh, Human Rights Representative of the Cooperative Organization, Hajar Chenarani Mayndh Parliament, “MR Mawdudi,” Director General of Export Development and Promotion Organization of Iran’s trade in goods and services, “Abvzrndymy” Advisor to the Vice President, “Sryasharqy” Tehran Governor General Manager.
Dr. Shahpour Ghanbari said at the National Summit on “Customer Satisfaction“: “All our laws in the field of economics are in line with the formation of economic development in the country, economic development means that we see this growth in all aspects of cultural, political, industrial and educational education.”
He continued: “For industrial development, it is necessary for the conditions of investment in a society to be such that the wandering capitals of the banking system move towards investment.”
Following the ceremony, a CRM panel was held on customer satisfaction and branding.
In the CRM specialized panel, which was attended by Dr. Iman Masdari, Dr. Mojtaba Pirzad, Dr. Mohammad Nahdati, Dr. Mehran Jourabloo, Dr. Shahriyar Shafiei, Dr. Mohammad Halamat Jazat, the need of attention to effective customer and essential of branding making was emphasized.
Regarding the weakness of advertising in the country, Dr. Abuzar Andimi, the Vice President said: “We are not successful in the field of advertising – because we are not good at branding according to the product, in branding the customer’s taste must be considered to be able to introduce the reality of the product.” He said: “The type of international competition, the type of economic arrangement, the type of look is important for branding, because if a new brand enters the country, different mafias will prevent its presence.”
“Customer orientation is about tailoring our production, we live in a country that needs a lot of energy and money to get to know the customer,” Nadimi said.
Dr. Hajar Chenarani, a member of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, said: “These days, many goods have entered the market, which are sold in the first stage, but fail in the next stage, because the quality of the goods decreases.” “People understand honesty well, and we need to take big steps today,” he said.
He continued: “We must seek to introduce our goods. Today, people in the country are promoting their goods through cyberspace. Of course, in advertising process, we must have a proper plan to introduce our goods by the young force.” And leave that to the students and the young and dynamic force.
“Today, customer orientation is one of the priorities of the industry, mining, trade, branding and brand development;” Trade Development Organization ” as the legal custodian of brand development and branding encouragement has been involved in this issue for some time.
“Branding means our competitive identity in the world, we have a lot of institutions that work in the field of selecting the best brand and customer orientation is one of the goals of these institutions; Iran is one of the ten countries in the underground reserves,” Modudi said. It is superior, and we are the nineteenth largest market in the world in terms of population.
He noted: “In the discussion of cultural heritage and tourism, diversity and the number of neighbors, we are among the top countries, but with all these facilities, a key question is why there is no purchase for products as they deserve.”
At the end of the “Customer Satisfaction” national meeting, the best companies were honored.