“The First International Conference on Healthy and Superior Taste”- Aug 2017
The First International Conference on “Healthy and Superior Taste” was held in collaboration with the International taste & Quality Institute (ITQ) of Belgium & University of Florida (UF) in order to improve the nutritional health, increase the productions and food products and reach to international standards in Aug 2017 in Shahid Beheshti University conference center of Tehran, Iran.
The main purpose of the seminar is to learn how to improve and raise the quality of the production & cuisine’s tastes and flavors and tastes of the food supply cycle from production to consumption by approaching international standards on the one hand and introducing the leading units in creating new and healthy flavors as well as leading food standards conscious companies Worlds on the other hand. In this seminar, all food companies were evaluated in two parts and the winners were honored to receive the international certificate of “healthy and superior taste”.