Production and industry under criticism June 26, 2022- IRIB International Conference Center in Tehran

The Conference on pioneers of Industry and National Economy with the aim of examining the state of the country’s economy and industry with the presence of industry and economy activists and elites was held on June 26, 2022, at the IRIB International Conference Center in Tehran.

According to “Asre Qalam” group, in this conference where personalities, experts, and officials from government and private sectors were invited, challenges, solutions, and proposals related to this field were raised.

At the beginning of this conference, Dr. Fereydoun Farag, the Professor of Marketing, explained the state of the country’s economy and industry. Then, “Bani Hashemi”, the head of Iran’s House of Craftsmen, emphasized increasing the private sector to untangle the country’s economic situation.

Parsa Ghorbani Faraz, the Director General of the Office of Modernization, Transformation and Information Technology of the Trade Development Organization of Iran presented statistics on the import and export of the country and said: Petroleum products are at the top of the country’s exports, followed by the food industry. He mentioned Iraq and Afghanistan as the best export markets for our country’s products and said: We should use this opportunity and all those who plan to export their products should plan on these two countries first.

In the following, “Iraj Hasabi”, the founder and founder of Professor Hasabi Foundation, criticized the state of the country’s management. By mentioning his father’s memories, he related the root of all challenges and problems to mismanagement and lack of planning.

After that, “Ali Fanadi Nayini”, Vice President of Planning and Development of the Central Insurance of Iran, criticized the way of employing and selecting the personnel in the institutions and departments and said: “Unfortunately, decisions are not made properly in the selections and the smoke of inappropriate appointments is visible to the public”. He explained the position of insurance in industry and production and said: Production in today’s economy is facing serious risks and the insurance industry is also a risk in the management industry.

Announcing that we have the third rank among the 16 neighboring countries in terms of inherent investment, he said: In Iran, we have defined various advantages for each foreign investment, which we provide them so that investing in Iran is the necessary attraction for foreign investors.

After that, other speakers explained their views in the fields of the economy, and at the end, the activists in both areas, industry, and economy were praised.