Continues Productivity Promotion and Cost Reduction in Organizations- 31 October- 09 November, 2023
The 1st Vocational Training Tour to Japan – Tokyo & Osaka
Date: 31 October- 09 November, 2023
Date: November 2th, 2023
Visiting the Tokyo Motor Show
One of the attractions of this trip was visiting the Tokyo Motor Show. This exhibition, where more than 100 examples of the most famous brands of cars, motorcycles, buses, and caravans were displayed to the visitors, was also a good opportunity to talk with representatives of automobile companies in this Exhibition. In this fair, Toyota, Benz, BMW, and Honda had the most visitors. Panasonic company also exhibited its best bicycle product.
Date: November 4th, 2023
Training Seminar
Seminar topics:
– Essential points in International Commercial Contracts Writing
– Continuous improvement management in organizations
– Mrs. Mina Alavash
– Professor Jun Sugiura
The seminar started on November 4th, 2023, at 8:30 in one of the conference halls of The Prince Park Tower Hotel – Tokyo, with the presence of more than 40 Iranian business owners of private sector industry, as well as the CEOs of the Japan World Business Association (WBA).
The first speaker of this event was Mrs. Mina Alavash, who pointed out the most important points regarding the necessity of International Commercial Contracts writing. She first spoke about the importance of the meeting of negotiation sessions and agreements before writing the contract, because the writing of any contract is based on agreements, as both parties knew the things mentioned in the negotiation meeting and they have already reached the agreements. In the end, the importance of parties’ commitments, dispute resolution and arbitration, termination, force majeure, and the signing of parties in International commercial contracts were among the important issues of this part of the seminar.
The second speaker of this event was Professor Sugiura, who spoke about the important issues of continuous improvement management in organizations. He discussed the 5 main issues of Kaizen in detail. For continuous improvement, Porter believes that five forces must be overcome in a similar industry: the power of customers, the power of suppliers, the threat of substitutes, and the potential for new entrants.
For continuous improvement in organizations, we can learn from the strategies of sustainable companies.
In the continuation of his speech, Professor Sugiura discussed the goals of continuous improvement that aim to satisfy customers, employees, and investors.
This part of the speech lasted for 2 hours, after which the certificate ceremony began for each participant. In this section, the CEO of the WBA organization – Mr. Nagasyoshi Kazuo, together with Professor Sugiura, after getting to know the participants, awarded the certificate of each manager.